Commitment Coin
This purchase is for an extra coin (or coins) for your cadet, for you, for others in your cadet's life.
This is the exact same coin your cadet will receive at the Commitment Dinner in August 2025. To preserve the surprise, this coin will not be delivered until after the Commitment Dinner, meaning not until late August or early September. Or you may choose to pick up your Commitment Coin order at the USAFA Gold Class Spirit Association table at the Parents' Weekend Information Fair in the Arnold Hall ballroom on Friday August 29, 2025.
Coin Information:
The Class of 2027’s U.S. Air Force Academy journey is nearly halfway complete. As these young men and women begin their Second-Class year in August 2025, they will individually and collectively make a commitment. Not only will they commit to completing the remaining two years at the Academy, they will pledge to serve a minimum of five years as officers who embody honor, integrity, and excellence. To recognize this significant milestone, each Class of 2027 cadet will receive a commitment coin. This coin is more than a simple token – it's a tangible embodiment of the journey, values, and virtues that define the cadet experience and the enduring legacy of the United States Air Force Academy. This coin is an unprecedented blend of artistry and symbolism, crafted to honor the commitment to a higher calling. It is replete with carefully chosen elements that capture the essence of their journey, from Recognition to the moment of commitment and beyond. Every detail tells a story and connects the Class of 2027 to the legacy of those who came before them and the unbroken chain of service, sacrifice, and excellence that defines the Long Blue Line. As the Class of 2027 accepts this coin, they do so with a deep understanding of what it signifies: a commitment not only to service at the Academy, but also to the profession of arms and to a lifetime of dedication to something greater than themselves.
Ordering Details:
Payment is due at the time of order.
The pricing structure will be different if you choose Parents' Weekend pickup versus shipping the extra coins.
If you choose to pick up your coin order on Friday August 29th at the USAFA Parents' Weekend Information Fair, please see us at the Class of 2027 Gold Class Spirit Association Committee table in the Arnold Hall Ballroom.
Any Commitment Coins purchased that are not picked up will result in either the order amount being converted into a donation to the USAFA Gold Class Spirit Association or you will have to pay the $5 per coin shipping fee.
In honor of the 69th graduating class of USAFA, these coins will be for sale for 69 days!
Parents' Weekend Pickup: The early-bird price of $20.27 is valid until Saturday Match 8th (27 days). Starting on Sunday March 9th, that will increase to the regular price of $27.27.
Shipped Coins: The early-bird price of $25.27 ($20.27 plus $5 shipping per coin) is valid until Saturday March 8th (27 days). Starting on Saturday March 9th, that will increase to the regular price of $32.27 ($27.27 plus $5 shipping per coin).
We will accept orders for 69 days, until Saturday, April 19th at 7pm EDT.
We do not expect to produce these coins again, so pre-order now!
We have added the ability to "Super-Charge" your Round-Up. You can now Round-Up your total purchase to either $50 or $100, with the Add A Donation options.